Wednesday, March 27, 2013

5 Powerful Storytelling Techniques to Boost Your Video Marketing Success


                           Top 5 Powerful Storytelling Tips for Creating a Captivating Video
      Powerful storytelling techniques are a proven method that can captivate your audience and win their attention. Nowadays with video marketing as one of the most effective online product promotion methods, you can benefit from the power of storytelling - like never before. This guide is going to help you discover helpful tips on sharpening your storytelling skills when creating and editing video.

1. Start by Building a Personal Touch

People first need to connect with you on a personal level, before they can trust and accept your message. Sometimes having the interviewee share a personal story about themselves can help the audience feel like they have a connection and are more likely to be interested in your piece.

2. Know Your Audience

Imagine you are going to tell a story to a group. Would it make a difference which type of stories you would choose, if your listeners were a bunch of kids, or an elderly group of adults? Of course it would. So the same goes when preparing your marketing story. First it is important to know your audience precisely, so you can target the language of your story to match their interest.

3. Plan Your Story

A step-by-step breakdown of your story is always good to have by planning your story structure in advance you will save yourself a whole lot of time in the "editing" stage of your project.

Talk over your shoot with other members of the production team and make sure you're clear on what shots you need to tell the story. If you're on your own, write up a list of shots you need. Write the story beforehand in your head, and list the elements you want to get video of to do that story. Think about what's going to look good visually, and how your shots are going to come together sequentially. 
4. Use a Good Microphone for Your Video

It is highly important that people hear your voice clearly to be able to understand the focus of your story. So if you are going to record your own voice over it would be a smart idea to invest in a quality microphone that gives your voice the clarity that your audience will need to trust your brand. --> Sennheiser mics work great

5. Provide a Solution in Your Story that Rescues Them

This is perhaps the most important and crucial part of your story. After you have attracted the attention of your audience in the video, they are eagerly waiting to see which solution you are about to offer to save them from their concerns. Openings and closings are very important, so make sure to begin and end the video with the strongest material since this is often what stays with the viewer.

Following the above 5 guidelines and suggestion, you can rest assured your next video will turn out more powerful and captivating.

Make sure to check our website for some cool and captivating videos at:

Thanks again!


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  3. When you are making a video, in my opinion planning is the most important thing. Making a video with step by step would make it more great and great. Thank to you for guiding people, its very helpful for those want to create a captivating video.

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